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A harness is an implement used on a donkey to enable the donkey carry loads on their back or pull carts safely and efficiently. It is also protects the donkey from harm when carrying or pulling loads.

A good harness must have soft comfortable materials that do not cause harm to the donkey. It must have a part for pulling load called a breast-band in case of donkeys pulling carts. When the donkey is carrying loads on a cart, this is called a saddle, and when carrying load on its back it is referred to as a back pack. It also has a braking system called breech to enable the donkey stop without the load hitting it or compressing on its body. Download PDF and read more..


A head collar for use in guiding the donkey when working


A well harnessed donkey at KSPCA. Help develop empathy in pupils


Practical lessons of fitting a harness to a donkey at the KSPCA grounds
